Zero-Emission School Bus Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (ZESBI)
California Energy Commission (CEC)
What does it fund?
The Zero-Emission School Bus and Infrastructure (ZESBI) incentive project pairs zero-emission school bus vehicle incentives through the California Air Resources Board (CARB) with charging infrastructure incentives through the California Energy Commission (CEC). A total of $500 million from the General Fund was appropriated from Senate Bill 114 for ZESBI. In Fiscal Year 2023-24, $375 million was allocated to support purchases of qualifying zero-emission school buses and $125 million was allocated to support infrastructure and associated cost incentives.
Assembly Bill 158 Gabriel (2024) provided up to $3 million from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) for administrative costs to support funding zero-emission school bus charging or refueling infrastructure and related activities.
Who is eligible for funds?
Funds from the GGRF are for administrative costs only for the third-party implementer of the ZESBI incentive project.
Non-GGRF ZESBI funds are used for incentives offered to California local educational agencies that serve students within the K-12 grade levels. Local educational agencies include public school districts, public charter schools, joint power authorities, and county offices of education.
How do I access funds?
Check the program webpage for information on ZESBI incentives offered through non-GGRF funds.
Cumulative Statistics
This is a new program and has not yet implemented any GGRF funds.