Demonstration State Forests

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)

What does it fund?

CAL FIRE sustainably manages 85,000 acres of forestland in 14 distinct demonstration state forests for forest health and wildfire resilience. The forests offer research and demonstration opportunities for natural resource management while providing public recreation access, fish and wildlife habitat, carbon storage and sequestration, and watershed protection. This funding supports forester and environmental scientist CAL FIRE positions necessary for management activities and monitoring multi-year research projects, and it has also directly supported research projects.

Who is eligible for funds?


How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?

Potential benefits to priority populations are not currently being assessed for this program.

How do I access funds?

These funds are generally implemented directly by CAL FIRE. Learn more about the demonstration forests on the program’s website.

Funding timeline

CAL FIRE annually determines the amount of funding to be allocated to this program from its GGRF appropriations.

Cumulative Statistics

This is a new program and has not yet implemented any GGRF funds.