Low Carbon Transit Operations Program
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
What does it fund?
Operating and capital assistance for transit agencies to reduce GHG emissions and improve mobility, with a priority on serving disadvantaged communities.
Who is eligible for funds?
The State Controller’s Office provides a list of transportation planning agencies and transit operators that are eligible for State Transit Assistance Funds. There are nearly 200 eligible recipients throughout California.
How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?
Transit agencies whose service areas include a disadvantaged community are required to expend at least 50 percent of their apportionment on projects that benefit a disadvantaged community.
How do I access funds?
Transit agencies are awarded funds based on a noncompetitive, formula-based list prepared by the State Controller’s Office.
Funding Timeline
Visit the program webpage for updates.
By statute, the LCTOP program is appropriated 5% of the proceeds of each quarterly auction. These appropriated funds are then allocated annually to transit agencies via an established formula. This results in a temporary gap between appropriated and implemented funds each year.
Benefits to priority populations shown here account for statutory investment minimums in SB 535 and AB 1550. In addition to these investment minimums, SB 862 requires that, for transit agencies whose service areas include disadvantaged communities, at least 50 percent of their LCTOP funds must benefit those disadvantaged communities. Cumulatively, 89 percent of implemented LCTOP funds benefit disadvantaged communities.
Project Profiles
Read stories of projects funded by this program.
Cumulative Statistics
As of November 30, 2023
$1,197.6 million allocated
$932.3 million implemented
$874.7 million benefiting priority populations
6,971,510 MTCO2e estimated GHG emissions reductions
1,003 projects implemented
2023 Achievements
Reporting period:
Dec 1, 2022 – Nov 30, 2023
$156.2 million implemented
647,564 MTCO2e estimated GHG emissions reductions
1,574 full-time equivalent jobs reported
$127 million benefiting priority populations
2023 Benefits to Priority Populations
34% benefiting disadvantaged communities
47% benefiting low income communities
19% benefiting other areas of California
Other Expected Benefits
470,970,186 vehicle miles traveled reductions
15,380,478 pounds NOx reductions
1,004,932 pounds PM 2.5 reductions