California Forest Improvement Program
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
What does it fund?
Cost-share assistance for improved management of California’s private, nonindustrial forest lands and resources to ensure adequate high-quality timber supplies, related employment and other economic benefits, and the protection, maintenance, and enhancement of productive and stable forests for the benefit of present and future generations.
This funding is also used to directly support California Forest Improvement Program staff. Staff regularly meet with private landowners to help them find financial support, understand the full suite of options available to them as forestland owners, and move through the process of setting up a cost-share agreement.
Who is eligible for funds?
Landowners owning between 20 and 5,000 acres of forestland.
How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?
Potential benefits to priority populations are not currently being assessed for this program.
How do I access funds?
Apply through a statewide competitive process.
Funding timeline
Solicitation periods close quarterly on the dates listed below:
January 2nd
April 1st
July 1st
October 1st
Though, before you fill out an application, contact your local Forestry Assistance Specialist (FAS) to determine the status of funding, current application process, and whether your property and project are eligible for funding. Check the program website for application information.
Cumulative Statistics
This is a new program and has not yet implemented any GGRF funds.