Climate Ready Program: Public Infrastructure Sea Level Rise Projects

California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC)

What does it fund?

Protect communities and natural resources from sea level rise, with a focus on adaptation of public infrastructure along the coast including urban waterfronts, ports, and ecosystems. Relocation of development (managed retreat) and natural shoreline infrastructure projects that restore wetlands and coastal habitats that protect coastal development. Increasing resilience to rising sea level results in avoided GHG emissions by reducing flooding and the need for cleanup and rebuilding. Improve coastal resilience and adapt to sea level rise benefits will occur in the long-term.

Who is eligible for funds?

Government agencies, non-profit organizations, and tribal governments.

How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?

Targeted outreach for technical assistance that benefit priority populations vulnerable to sea level rise risk. The California State Coastal Conservancy has robust Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) guidelines. The Climate Ready Program solicitation guidelines prioritize projects that benefit disadvantaged communities through a selection scoring criteria.

How do I access funds?

Apply through a statewide competitive process.

Funding timeline

Check the California State Coastal Conservancy’s website for grant opportunities.

Project Profiles

Read stories of projects funded by the California State Coastal Conservancy.

Cumulative Statistics

This is a new program and has not yet implemented any funds.