Food Production Investment Program

California Energy Commission (CEC)

What does it fund?

Grants for food processors to implement projects that reduce GHG emissions and onsite energy consumption.

Who is eligible for funds?

California food processors.

How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?

Higher application scores are awarded to projects that are located within and provide a benefit to disadvantaged and low-income communities. Many food processing facilities are located within and around priority population communities. By funding cleaner technologies and more-efficient equipment, the majority of projects result in reduced criteria air pollutant emissions for these communities. Other projects also support jobs or provide educational and community capacity building opportunities.

How do I access funds?

Apply through a statewide competitive process.

Funding timeline

The 2025 grant solicitation is expected to open in March and close in June. Please visit the program website for updated timeline information.

Project Profiles

Read stories of projects funded by this program.

Cumulative Statistics

As of November 30, 2023

$164 million allocated

$117.8 million implemented

$98.0 million benefiting priority populations

2,974,529 MTCO2e estimated GHG emissions reductions

56 projects implemented

2023 Achievements

Reporting Period:
Dec 1, 2022 – Nov 30, 2023

$10.1 million implemented

191,538 MTCO2e estimated GHG emissions reductions

$10 million benefitting priority populations

2023 Benefits to Priority Populations

75% benefitting disadvantaged communities

11% benefitting low-income communities and households

14% benefitting other areas of California

Other Expected Benefits

78,075,644 kWh energy saved

886,954 pounds NOx reductions

40,507 pounds ROG reductions