Ross Ranch is an 854-acre working ranch that lies within the City of Redding’s sphere of influence, or the identified expansion area for the city. The property is leased to cattle ranchers and beekeepers, with 30 acres used by neighboring Shasta College for cattle grazing. In 2018, the California Strategic Growth Council awarded the Shasta Land Trust an approximately $5.6 million Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program (SALC) grant to acquire an agricultural conservation easement that permanently protects Ross Ranch from development.
Van Norden Meadow Restoration Project
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
With $3.9 million in support from the Wetlands and Watershed Restoration Program, the South Yuba River Citizens League together with the Washoe Tribe and project partners are restoring 485 acres of the high-elevation meadow habitat in Placer and Nevada Counties. Project partners include the Tahoe National Forest/U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Wildlife Conservation Board, Truckee Donner Land Trust, UC Davis Center for the Watershed Sciences, Point Blue Conservation Science, University of Nevada Reno, and Nevada County.
Saving San Diego's Last Mixed Conifer Forest
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
A collaborative of landowners led by the San Diego Fire Safe Council and the Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County is implementing a landscape-scale restoration project aimed at improving forest health on Palomar Mountain. Forests in San Diego county have experienced heavy losses from catastrophic fires and invasive pest infestations. Now at the home of one of San Diego county’s last mixed conifer forests, project partners are working to ensure Palomar Mountain’s forests are resilient to future wildfires.
Landscape-Scale Fuels Reduction and Forest Health in the Western Klamath Region
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
A $5 million CAL FIRE Forest Health Program grant is supporting the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership in their efforts to restore fire resilience at the landscape scale along the Klamath River. This project is part of a larger effort by the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership to improve forest health and resilience across a 1.2 million acre planning area that includes much of the Karuk Tribe’s ancestral homelands.
Carr Lake Park and Wetland Planning and Design
State Coastal Conservancy
Thanks to $488,760 from the Climate Ready Program, the Big Sur Land Trust has taken a big step towards transforming Carr Lake into a new park and greenspace for residents in the heart of the City of Salinas. The community has long imagined transforming Carr Lake into a multi-benefit green space, serving as a “central park” in the heart of Salinas.
Restoring the Central Coast's "Crown Jewel" Salt Marsh
The Blue Carbon at Elkhorn Slough Project is restoring 66 acres of rare salt marsh habitat and native plants while buffering the surrounding areas against future sea level rise. The Tidal Wetland Program at the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve guided the project with input from more than 100 local partners, scientists, regulators, and community members.
Restoring Wetlands in the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta
The San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta is the cradle which nurtures the drinking water supply of more than 23 million Californians and much of the state’s farm land. But measurements show land on Sherman Island has sunk as much as 28 feet below sea level as the State’s population and demand for water have grown. That’s why California Climate Investments is providing more than $10 million to improve the situation.
Supporting Ecosystem, Community, and Cultural Resilience at Clover Valley Ranch
With help from a $680,974 grant from California Climate Investments through the Wetlands & Watershed Restoration Program, the Sierra Fund and project partners are carrying out multi‑benefit restoration efforts at the 2,655‑acre Clover Valley Ranch. Initiated in 2017, this project will sequester nearly 188,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent while halting stream incision; increasing biodiversity; and improving hydrologic function, flood reduction, sediment filtration and water quality. However, the goal of this project extends beyond of ecosystem function and carbon sequestration benefits; these activities will also support community and cultural resilience through the promotion of cultural skills and activities.
California Conservation Corps Completes Critical Fuel Break Project in Auberry
Nestled along Little Sandy Creek along the northern edge of Fresno County sits the Town of Auberry. To prevent catastrophe from hitting the communities on the western edge of the Sierra National Forest, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection partnered with the California Conservation Corps to reduce the flammable woody material in the area.
Demonstrating Regenerative Agriculture through Education, Training, and Research
In the fifth round of its Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation program, the California Strategic Growth Council approved a $1,550,000 grant from California Climate Investments to the Land Trust of Santa Barbara County to purchase an easement that will permanently protect the 999‑acre Jalama Cañon Ranch. This year, with support from the California Department of Conservation and in partnership with the White Buffalo Land Trust, the Land Trust of Santa Barbara County focused on laying the groundwork for the agricultural easement so it can protect these agricultural and natural lands from conversion to more greenhouse gas‑intensive uses.
Sustaining Productive Agriculture at Brazelton Ranch in Vacaville for Generations to Come
The Brazelton family, in partnership with the Solano Land Trust, will ensure the Brazelton ranch in Vacaville remains intact in perpetuity by placing their property under a conservation easement. Conservation of farmlands that surround urban areas helps promote infill development, avoid GHG emissions, and maintain a viable agricultural economy in the region.