
Van Norden Meadow Restoration Project

Van Norden Meadow Restoration Project

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

With $3.9 million in support from the Wetlands and Watershed Restoration Program, the South Yuba River Citizens League together with the Washoe Tribe and project partners are restoring 485 acres of the high-elevation meadow habitat in Placer and Nevada Counties. Project partners include the Tahoe National Forest/U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Wildlife Conservation Board, Truckee Donner Land Trust, UC Davis Center for the Watershed Sciences, Point Blue Conservation Science, University of Nevada Reno, and Nevada County. 

Cleaner Passenger Trains through the Capitol Corridor Rail Project

Cleaner Passenger Trains through the Capitol Corridor Rail Project

In 2019, the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, in partnership with California Department of Transportation’s Division of Mass Transit, was selected by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to receive $7.4 million from the Community Air Protection program to help replace two diesel-powered locomotives with two new Siemens Charger Tier 4 locomotives. These locomotives are now operating on the Capitol Corridor line from Auburn-Sacramento to Silicon Valley and run through disadvantaged and low-income communities in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, and more. The new locomotives achieve a 90 percent reduction in particulate matter emissions and an 80 percent reduction in oxides of nitrogen emissions compared to the old, higher-polluting locomotives.

Reclaimed Urban Wood Supports Small Businesses and Reduces Landfill Emissions

Reclaimed Urban Wood Supports Small Businesses and Reduces Landfill Emissions

A $996,600 grant from California Climate Investments through the Urban and Community Forestry program will help Urban Salvaged and Reclaimed Woods, Inc. pilot a shared storefront project. This storefront will allow businesses handling salvaged wood from urban areas to combine resources to better process, market, and sell their products.