Climate Resilience and Adaptation

Hoopa Valley Tribe Brings Fire Back to the Land

Hoopa Valley Tribe Brings Fire Back to the Land

In the Hoopa Valley Tribe’s homelands, California Climate Investments funding is helping the Hoopa Valley Tribe re‑introduce fire to an important oak woodland ecosystem. The work is supported by a $1.36 million grant from CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Program.  The eastern side of the Hoopa Valley, on the current Hoopa Valley Reservation in what is known today as Humboldt County, has historically been home to extensive oak woodlands. Fire has always played an important role on this landscape—the people burned the hillsides for generations to maintain the oak trees and promote growth of other culturally important plants.  

Ambitious Partnership Delivering the Next Generation of Old-Growth Redwood Forests 

Ambitious Partnership Delivering the Next Generation of Old-Growth Redwood Forests 

Old‑growth redwood forests store more above‑ground carbon than any other forest type on Earth. Unfortunately, only 5% of old‑growth redwood forests survived extensive colonial logging in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Now, thanks in part to California Climate Investments funding awarded through CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Program, a partnership is working to establish the old‑growth forests of the future on California’s northern coast. 

Fully Electrified Homeless Shelter Runs on Solar

Fully Electrified Homeless Shelter Runs on Solar

The 40 Prado Road Homeless Services Center, a shelter located in San Luis Obispo, serves up to 100 occupants at a time. While it was built in 2018 under the 2013 Energy Code and met energy efficiency standards of the time, it was under the Low‑Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) that the shelter was able to become even more energy efficient, adding a 120‑kilowatt solar system and other energy efficiency measures thanks to California Climate Investments funding. The success at this property—the first homeless shelter to receive funding under LIWP—has paved the way for many similar properties across the state to also receive funding.

Toward Resilient California Communities: Solar + Storage Potential at Schools and Community Centers

Toward Resilient California Communities: Solar + Storage Potential at Schools and Community Centers

California Strategic Growth Council

With funding from the Climate Change Research Program, PSE Healthy Energy is working with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network and Communities for a Better Environment to identify opportunities to build solar+storage resilience hubs at schools and community centers across California.

Cesar Chavez Living Schoolyard in East Oakland Supports Health and Wellbeing

Cesar Chavez Living Schoolyard in East Oakland Supports Health and Wellbeing

California Natural Resources Agency

The Cesar Chavez Living Schoolyard project transformed an unshaded asphalt-covered schoolyard into a vibrant, tree-covered, park-like setting in a critically an underserved neighborhood in East Oakland. The site hosts two elementary schools, and their more than 600 students now enjoy a real grass play field, an expanded learning garden featuring an outdoor classroom and fruit orchard, a dry creek, a nature-play zone, as well as pollinator-attracting landscape areas, expanded seating and gathering options, and 65 new trees

Landscape-Scale Fuels Reduction and Forest Health in the Western Klamath Region

Landscape-Scale Fuels Reduction and Forest Health in the Western Klamath Region

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

A $5 million CAL FIRE Forest Health Program grant is supporting the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership in their efforts to restore fire resilience at the landscape scale along the Klamath River. This project is part of a larger effort by the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership to improve forest health and resilience across a 1.2 million acre planning area that includes much of the Karuk Tribe’s ancestral homelands.

The Ocean Ranch Restoration Project

The Ocean Ranch Restoration Project

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

The California State Coastal Conservancy is restoring wetlands at Ocean Ranch along the Eel River with support from a $2 million grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Wetlands Restoration Program. The Eel River was once one of the Pacific Coast’s greatest producers of salmon and steelhead. Over the years, extensive human activities have reduced the Eel River Delta. As the estuary shrank, so did populations of salmon and other native species, and carbon sequestration rates. At the same time, non-native species proliferated.

Adapting to the Rising Tides

Adapting to the Rising Tides

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

With support from Climate Resilience Program, the Adapting to Rising Tides project at the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission is providing research, guidance, tools, and staff support to help Bay Area agencies and organizations understand, communicate, and begin to resolve complex climate change issues.

Santa Barbara Cool Blocks Project Inspires Community Climate Action

Santa Barbara Cool Blocks Project Inspires Community Climate Action

In 2021, the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments completed the Cool Blocks Try Transit project, a neighborhood outreach and capacity building campaign supported by a $25,000 grant from the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program and in partnership with the Empowerment Institute’s Cool Blocks program. This project brought the participating 25-block neighborhood of Isla Vista together over a series of workshops to learn about and consider climate change mitigation and resilience measures they could adopt as individuals and as a community, which included using public transit. The project inspired the community to act, which in part led to their successful application to the Sustainable Transportation Equity Project, another California Climate Investments program.

Advancing Ecological, Cultural, and Community Resilience with Tribal Nations in Southern California

Advancing Ecological, Cultural, and Community Resilience with Tribal Nations in Southern California

With a $990,350 award from the Climate Change Research Program, the Resilient Restoration project – led by the Climate Science Alliance Tribal Working Group, University of California Riverside, and San Diego State University – is promoting Tribal resilience by developing knowledge and supporting actions that enhance persistence of cultural practices with a focus on preserving the ecosystems and species that are integral to Tribal communities.

Climate Resilience Planning for Key Sacramento River Watersheds

Climate Resilience Planning for Key Sacramento River Watersheds

Supported by $400,000 from the Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program, a coalition of federal, academic, non-profit and private organizations has developed a modeling tool to enhance climate adaptation and resilience planning in five Sacramento River watersheds. These watersheds provide the vast majority of California’s utilized water and over 80 percent of the freshwater to San Francisco Bay. By estimating the ecological returns of conservation and restoration efforts, the modeling tool will help determine what future actions and investments would best restore and protect the health of this important region.

Expanding Capacity at the Turtle Rock Park Biomass Collection Site

Expanding Capacity at the Turtle Rock Park Biomass Collection Site

The project is a continuation of the Turtle Rock Park Biomass Collection site which serves communities in eastern Alpine County. The facility provides a location to collect green waste and biomass that is cleared from private property to create defensible space and thereby reduce wildland fire risk.

Restoring Coastal Wetlands and Upland Habitat in Santa Barbara County

Restoring Coastal Wetlands and Upland Habitat in Santa Barbara County

The North Campus Open Space (NCOS) project is restoring 54 acres of diverse coastal wetlands and upland habitat of native plants and grassland in Santa Barbara County. This restoration will increase Santa Barbara County’s coastal wetlands by 11 percent, which in turn will help adapt the coastal community to sea level rise by protecting inland infrastructure.

Restoring the Central Coast's "Crown Jewel" Salt Marsh

Restoring the Central Coast's "Crown Jewel" Salt Marsh

The Blue Carbon at Elkhorn Slough Project is restoring 66 acres of rare salt marsh habitat and native plants while buffering the surrounding areas against future sea level rise. The Tidal Wetland Program at the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve guided the project with input from more than 100 local partners, scientists, regulators, and community members.

Mountain Meadow Restoration Sequesters Carbon and Builds Resilience

Mountain Meadow Restoration Sequesters Carbon and Builds Resilience

Meadows in the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges act as nature’s sponge and filter, accumulating high amounts of organic soils that help provide California with a year-round water supply. Acting like a mini-reservoir, the meadows store carbon as they capture and clean water.

El Centro Free Trees Program Provides Education, Shade, and Cleaner Air

El Centro Free Trees Program Provides Education, Shade, and Cleaner Air

The El Centro “Free Trees” program is an Urban Forest Expansion and Improvement project that will plant and maintain 1,000 climate appropriate trees within the city of El Centro.

Building Coastal Resilience in Santa Cruz

Building Coastal Resilience in Santa Cruz

In light of critical dangers to the city of Santa Cruz’s roughly 4.6 miles of coastline posed by climate change, the city is using a $200,000 grant from California Climate Investments through the Coastal Resilience LCP Planning Grant Program to develop strategies and policies intended to protect public beach access, prevent community displacement, and build resiliency against future coastal hazards.

Adapting to Sea Level Rise in Carlsbad

Adapting to Sea Level Rise in Carlsbad

A major transportation corridor in the city of Carlsbad, South Carlsbad Boulevard is highly vulnerable to flooding and erosion as a result of climate change. But thanks to a $498,075 grant from California Climate Investments through the Climate Ready Grant Program, the city was awarded in 2019, Carlsbad is creating a plan to protect a portion of the boulevard that is particularly vulnerable to sea‑level rise, frequent coastal flooding, and cliff erosion.

Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians Scales Up Carbon Farming

Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians Scales Up Carbon Farming

The Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians are scaling up their carbon farming operations on Pauma Tribal Farms. This project includes funding for on-farm practices such as cropping, compost application, hedgerow installation, no-till, and a transition from row crops to trees for 35 acres of farmland.

Toxic Tides Project Researches Nexus of Sea-Level Rise, Hazardous Sites, and Vulnerable Communities

Toxic Tides Project Researches Nexus of Sea-Level Rise, Hazardous Sites, and Vulnerable Communities

The Toxic Tides research project, led by the University of California (UC), Berkeley Sustainability and Healthy Equity Laboratory is working to better understand how vulnerable communities living near hazardous sites may be affected under different sea levels rise scenarios.