Ross Ranch is an 854-acre working ranch that lies within the City of Redding’s sphere of influence, or the identified expansion area for the city. The property is leased to cattle ranchers and beekeepers, with 30 acres used by neighboring Shasta College for cattle grazing. In 2018, the California Strategic Growth Council awarded the Shasta Land Trust an approximately $5.6 million Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program (SALC) grant to acquire an agricultural conservation easement that permanently protects Ross Ranch from development.
Prescribed Fire Reporting and Air Monitoring in Shasta County
The Shasta County Air Quality Management District is doing its part to restore resilient, carbon‑storing, and wildfire‑resistant forests and protect public health across northern California with help from a $159,000 grant from California Climate Investments through the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Prescribed Fire Reporting and Monitoring Program. The program supports state forest management and wildfire resilience goals by providing local resources that improve the prescribed burn planning, smoke monitoring, and air quality data collection. These improvements facilitate the implementation of prescribed burning, while also providing the Shasta County Air Quality Management District and the public better information on smoke in order to protect human health.