Funding Guidelines

General Prevailing Wage Determinations

General Prevailing Wage Determinations

Department of Industrial Relations

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) posts prevailing wage determinations twice a year that regulate covered workers. View determinations and find answers to frequently asked questions.

The California High Road: A Roadmap to Job Quality

The California High Road: A Roadmap to Job Quality

California Workforce Development Board

Learn about the elements of a high-quality job and how high road training partnerships approach is creating a workforce development system that ensures job quality and an ecosystem of economic prosperity.

The High Road Vision

The High Road Vision

California Workforce Development Board

The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) includes job quality as one of the three elements of its High Road vision. Ranging from transportation to healthcare, hospitality to construction, the High Road approach embodies the sector strategy championed by the Board: industry partnerships that deliver equity, climate resilience, and job quality. Along with these program investments, CWDB is producing a body of policies and principles to guide alignment across the workforce and education system.

Priority Populations Benefits

Priority Populations Benefits

Learn how to identify priority populations and access resources to help deliver benefits and advance equity and environmental justice.

Legislative Guidance

Legislative Guidance

California Air Resources Board

California Climate Investments are driven by a suite of legislation that establishes the statutory requirements for administering appropriations from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Explore bill summaries by year the legislation was enacted.

Technical Assistance and Capacity Building

Technical Assistance and Capacity Building

Explore resources that can be used to provide technical assistance in a way that advances equity and builds community capacity to secure funding and implement projects that can help reverse past disinvestment.

Expenditure Records

Expenditure Records

California Air Resources Board

Administering agencies are required to prepare an expenditure record documenting how their investments will further the purposes of Assembly Bill 32, contribute to achieving greenhouse gas emissions reductions and other health and environmental co-benefits, and meet other statutory requirements. View sample templates and submitted documents.

Priority Populations Map

Priority Populations Map

California Air Resources Board

This map shows disadvantaged communities and low-income communities as defined for California Climate Investments. To see if a particular location is within a disadvantaged community or low-income community, either navigate to the desired location on the map, search for the location by address, or enter a 10 digit census tract number in the search bar. Layers can be adjusted using the layer tool. Census tracts that are both disadvantaged and low-income blend to a color not represented in the legend if overlapping.

Priority Populations Benefit Criteria Tables

Priority Populations Benefit Criteria Tables

California Air Resources Board

Benefit Criteria Tables are used by administering agencies and applicants to identify the priority populations that will benefit from the project, and determine how the project will meaningfully address an important community or household need and provide a benefit.

Funding Guidelines

Funding Guidelines

California Air Resources Board

CARB developed the Funding Guidelines to provide direction for agencies that administer California Climate Investments so they design and implement their programs in a way that facilitates greenhouse gas emission reductions, meets statutory requirements, maximizes and benefits to disadvantaged communities, targets investments to disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households to help ensure statutory investment minimums are met or exceeded, provides accountability and transparency; and supports consistency across programs.

Quantification, Benefits, and Reporting Materials

Quantification, Benefits, and Reporting Materials

California Air Resources Board

Administering agencies must use CARB tools to develop effective programs and demonstrate compliance with program requirements. Resources on this page include quantification methodologies and calculator tools for estimating GHG emissions reductions and co-benefits; benefit criteria tables for determining benefits to priority populations; and reporting templates for reporting outcomes. 

Co-benefit Assessment Methodologies

Co-benefit Assessment Methodologies

California Air Resources Board

Methods for evaluating project co-benefits for projects, including jobs, air pollutant emissions, travel cost savings, vehicle miles traveled, energy and fuel cost savings, water savings, soil health and conservation, and heart and lung health.

Job Co-benefit Assessment Methodology

Job Co-benefit Assessment Methodology

California Air Resources Board

Provides uniform methods that can be applied statewide and are accessible by all applicants and funding recipients, uses existing and proven tools or methods, where available, and identifies the appropriate data needed to calculate co-benefits.