Department of Civil Rights
The California Department of Civil Rights investigates claims related to harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Read about how to file a complaint, responding to a complaint, possible outcomes, and more.
United States Department of Labor
The federal Department of Labor champions job quality through this list of good job principles. These eight principles create a framework for workers, businesses, labor unions, advocates, researchers, state and local governments, and federal agencies for a shared vision of job quality.
California Workforce Development Board
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) includes job quality as one of the three elements of its High Road vision. Ranging from transportation to healthcare, hospitality to construction, the High Road approach embodies the sector strategy championed by the Board: industry partnerships that deliver equity, climate resilience, and job quality. Along with these program investments, CWDB is producing a body of policies and principles to guide alignment across the workforce and education system.