
About California Climate Investments

About California Climate Investments

California Air Resources Board

Learn how California Climate Investments puts billions of dollars of Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, improving public health and the environment, and providing meaningful benefits to priority populations.

Legislative Guidance

Legislative Guidance

California Air Resources Board

California Climate Investments are driven by a suite of legislation that establishes the statutory requirements for administering appropriations from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Explore bill summaries by year the legislation was enacted.

Appropriations: Funds Available by Program

Appropriations: Funds Available by Program

California Air Resources Board

The Legislature and Governor appropriate money from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) to State agencies through the Budget process. View dollars made available to State agencies for California Climate Investments programs.

Quantification, Benefits, and Reporting Materials

Quantification, Benefits, and Reporting Materials

California Air Resources Board

Administering agencies must use CARB tools to develop effective programs and demonstrate compliance with program requirements. Resources on this page include quantification methodologies and calculator tools for estimating GHG emissions reductions and co-benefits; benefit criteria tables for determining benefits to priority populations; and reporting templates for reporting outcomes. 

Co-benefit Assessment Methodologies

Co-benefit Assessment Methodologies

California Air Resources Board

Methods for evaluating project co-benefits for projects, including jobs, air pollutant emissions, travel cost savings, vehicle miles traveled, energy and fuel cost savings, water savings, soil health and conservation, and heart and lung health.

Media & Communications Style Guide

Media & Communications Style Guide

California Air Resources Board

Guidance for grantees and contractors implementing California Climate Investments projects and programs around the state to ensure brand and messaging consistency.