2023 — 2023 Profiles — California Climate Investments


Cesar Chavez Living Schoolyard in East Oakland Supports Health and Wellbeing

Cesar Chavez Living Schoolyard in East Oakland Supports Health and Wellbeing

California Natural Resources Agency

The Cesar Chavez Living Schoolyard project transformed an unshaded asphalt-covered schoolyard into a vibrant, tree-covered, park-like setting in a critically an underserved neighborhood in East Oakland. The site hosts two elementary schools, and their more than 600 students now enjoy a real grass play field, an expanded learning garden featuring an outdoor classroom and fruit orchard, a dry creek, a nature-play zone, as well as pollinator-attracting landscape areas, expanded seating and gathering options, and 65 new trees

Rancho San Pedro Launches Good2Go Bikes Program

Rancho San Pedro Launches Good2Go Bikes Program

California Air Resources Board

With nearly $1 million in funds from the California Climate Investments Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program, the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator, Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, and Pedal Movement are launching four e-bike hubs through Rancho San Pedro affordable housing’s shared ebike program, also known as the Good2Go Bikes program.

Van Norden Meadow Restoration Project

Van Norden Meadow Restoration Project

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

With $3.9 million in support from the Wetlands and Watershed Restoration Program, the South Yuba River Citizens League together with the Washoe Tribe and project partners are restoring 485 acres of the high-elevation meadow habitat in Placer and Nevada Counties. Project partners include the Tahoe National Forest/U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Wildlife Conservation Board, Truckee Donner Land Trust, UC Davis Center for the Watershed Sciences, Point Blue Conservation Science, University of Nevada Reno, and Nevada County. 

Omnitrans ConnecTransit Plan: Planning Public Transit in the San Bernardino Valley

Omnitrans ConnecTransit Plan: Planning Public Transit in the San Bernardino Valley

California Air Resources Board

Omnitrans is working with several partners to develop a community-driven transportation plan for the public transportation system in the San Bernardino Valley. Omnitrans is the public transportation provider for the San Bernardino Valley region. The ConnecTransit Plan will identify and prioritize clean transportation improvements that address hurdles to equity and access within the Omnitrans service area and that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The ConnecTransit Plan will provide a blueprint for future implementation projects for which Omnitrans will seek grant funds.

Zero-Emission Transit Vehicles, New Bike Lanes, and Shade Trees In Commerce

Zero-Emission Transit Vehicles, New Bike Lanes, and Shade Trees In Commerce

California Air Resources Board

Thanks to over $3 million from the Sustainable Transportation Equity Project, the City of Commerce has partnered with Climate Resolve and TreePeople to provide more clean transportation options to the city’s residents. Situated in southeast Los Angeles County in an area known for its commercial and industrial operations, Commerce has a history of providing free and reliable public transit service to its residents. 

Sierra Institute High Road to Tribal Forest Restoration and Stewardship

Sierra Institute High Road to Tribal Forest Restoration and Stewardship

California Workforce Development Board

The High Road to Tribal Forest Restoration and Stewardship project provides foundational training and skill building tied directly to work experience in forest health and landscape restoration. Through a partnership between Tribes, nonprofits, and regional employers, the project is working to increase employment opportunities and build capacity for Tribal Forest restoration crews. The project has formally engaged with fourteen Tribes, with training participants from over twenty Tribes.  

Saving San Diego's Last Mixed Conifer Forest

Saving San Diego's Last Mixed Conifer Forest

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

A collaborative of landowners led by the San Diego Fire Safe Council and the Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County is implementing a landscape-scale restoration project aimed at improving forest health on Palomar Mountain. Forests in San Diego county have experienced heavy losses from catastrophic fires and invasive pest infestations. Now at the home of one of San Diego county’s last mixed conifer forests, project partners are working to ensure Palomar Mountain’s forests are resilient to future wildfires. 

New Affordable Housing Opens at Riverside's Mission Heritage Plaza

New Affordable Housing Opens at Riverside's Mission Heritage Plaza

California Strategic Growth Council

72 affordable homes for families and veterans are now available in downtown Riverside. The Mission Heritage Plaza project is a partnership between Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation, the City of Riverside, and Riverside Transit Agency, working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through transportation mode-shift and construction of affordable housing within the urban core of Riverside. 

Landscape-Scale Fuels Reduction and Forest Health in the Western Klamath Region

Landscape-Scale Fuels Reduction and Forest Health in the Western Klamath Region

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

A $5 million CAL FIRE Forest Health Program grant is supporting the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership in their efforts to restore fire resilience at the landscape scale along the Klamath River. This project is part of a larger effort by the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership to improve forest health and resilience across a 1.2 million acre planning area that includes much of the Karuk Tribe’s ancestral homelands.

Forest Health Project Helps Save Yosemite Sequoias from the Washburn Fire

Forest Health Project Helps Save Yosemite Sequoias from the Washburn Fire

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Forest resilience treatments funded through a $2 million grant from CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Program helped to save some of the world’s most iconic trees in one of the world’s most famous national parks. Protecting the ancient, majestic giant sequoias in the largest and most popular of Yosemite’s sequoia groves was an immediate concern for land managers when the Washburn Fire broke out near Mariposa Grove on July 7, 2022. Fortunately, a partnership that includes the Mariposa County Resource Conservation District, the National Park Service and local tribal forest crews had completed the important fuels reduction work that reduced the fire’s severity and helped firefighters protect the invaluable trees.

Low Carbon Transit Operations Program Selects 1,000th Project in Stanislaus County

Low Carbon Transit Operations Program Selects 1,000th Project in Stanislaus County

California Department of Transportation

In 2022, the California Department of Transportation issued its 1,000th award through LCTOP to Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority (StanRTA) for their Free Fares Project. Through the Free Fares Project, StanRTA provides free, safe, and reliable transportation services for residents to travel to educational institutions, employment centers, medical offices, grocery stores, and shopping malls. Transit fares are often a barrier to residents in disadvantaged communities but with the support from LCTOP, the Free Fares Project has made it possible for riders to use public transportation without any financial hardship.

Forest Health Research Looks to Indigenous Burning Practices to Help Manage Invasive Beetle

Forest Health Research Looks to Indigenous Burning Practices to Help Manage Invasive Beetle

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

With a $100,000 grant from CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Research Program, Joelene Tamm a master's student at UC Riverside and Squaxin Island Tribal member, is partnering with the La Jolla band Luiseño Indians to investigate how indigenous cultural burning practices and traditional ecological knowledge can be used to support management of the invasive goldspotted oak borer, an invasive beetle.

Carr Lake Park and Wetland Planning and Design

Carr Lake Park and Wetland Planning and Design

State Coastal Conservancy

Thanks to $488,760 from the Climate Ready Program, the Big Sur Land Trust has taken a big step towards transforming Carr Lake into a new park and greenspace for residents in the heart of the City of Salinas. The community has long imagined transforming Carr Lake into a multi-benefit green space, serving as a “central park” in the heart of Salinas.