Sustainable Communities Programs
California Climate Investments are building sustainable communities that are delivering a multitude of benefits in addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. California Climate Investments are enhancing connectivity to public transit, bike and pedestrian infrastructure, and green spaces through transportation capital improvements, transit and mobility vouchers, and urban greening activities. California Climate Investments also fund affordable housing units and accessible low-carbon modes of transportation, while also providing other benefits such as workforce development services.
Open and Upcoming Funding Opportunities for Sustainable Communities Projects
Explore programs that are now accepting applications for grants, loans, incentives, and more
Funding for affordable housing, active transportation, transit, and solar photovoltaic systems.
Incentive grants to help owners of older high-polluting vehicles and equipment replace them with newer models that have much lower emissions—or zero emissions.
Investments in Action: Funded Sustainable Communities Projects
All Sustainable Communities Programs
Learn about all past and present sustainable communities programs, including programs that are not actively receiving California Climate Investments funding.