Programs for Tribal Governments
Tribal governments can receive funds to reduce climate pollution through clean transportation, agricultural equipment, clean air initiatives, land conservation projects, and more. Learn about open funding opportunities, resources to help you learn more about California Climate Investments and how to apply for funds, and read stories of funded projects led by tribal governments.
Open and Upcoming Funding Opportunities for Tribal Governments
Explore programs that are now accepting applications for grants, loans, incentives, and more.
The overall goal of the SB 1 Grant Program is to provide funding to develop sea level rise adaptation plans and projects to build resilience to sea level rise along the entire coast of California and San Francisco Bay.
Natural shoreline projects that restore wetlands, watersheds and coastal habitats, and conserve land. Projects protect existing natural lands, restore or enhance habitats to enhance resilience to climate change for wildlife, maintain vegetative communities that sequester carbon, and provide habitat stability and resistance to natural disasters such as flooding, wildfire, or protection from sea level rise.
Protects communities and natural resources from sea level rise, with a focus on adaptation of public infrastructure along the coast including urban waterfronts, ports, and ecosystems.
Funding for affordable housing, active transportation, transit, and solar photovoltaic systems.
The Strategic Growth Council’s Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation (SALC) Program protects critical agricultural lands from conversion to more GHG-intensive residential uses by facilitating conservation easements and strategy plans that result in direct protection of at-risk lands.
Vouchers for the purchase of zero-emission, trucks and buses, including funding for charging or fueling infrastructure.
Incentive grants to help owners of older high-polluting vehicles and equipment replace them with newer models that have much lower emissions—or zero emissions.
Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions funds agricultural harvesting equipment, heavy-duty trucks, agricultural pump engines, tractors, and other equipment used in agricultural operations.
Covers losses in the rare instance that a prescribed or cultural burn escapes control, providing up to $2 million in coverage for prescribed fire projects led by a qualified burn boss or cultural practitioner.
Grants to promote healthy, resilient forests throughout the state through supporting wood products and bioenergy projects and operators; and workforce development projects within the forestry and wildfire sector.
The Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund is a part of the Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) Program. SAFER is a set of tools, funding sources, and regulatory authorities designed to meet the goals of safe, accessible, and affordable drinking water for all Californians.
Resources for Tribal Governments
NEW: The California Environmental Protection Agency has included federally recognized Tribes in its recent designation of disadvantaged communities.
For the purposes of this designation, a Tribe may establish that a particular area of land is under its control even if not represented as such on CalEPA’s disadvantaged communities map and therefore should be considered a disadvantaged community by requesting a consultation with the CalEPA Deputy Secretary for Environmental Justice, Tribal Affairs and Border Relations at TribalAffairs@calepa.ca.gov.
California Air Resources Board
Whether you are applying for funds, designing a new program, or are interested in understanding the foundational elements of California Climate Investments, the Resource Portal is designed to support participants, policymakers, and program administrators in incorporating lessons learned, promising practices, and other insights into all stages of California Climate Investments. Explore foundational elements of California Climate Investments and to help you in developing a funding application or designing a program, understand reporting requirements and how California Climate Investments provides transparency and accountability, and more.
California Air Resources Board
View upcoming California Climate Investments funding timelines, public participation opportunities such as workshops, public comment periods, listening sessions, and more.
California Air Resources Board
An interactive resource that guides Tribes through narrowing down which California Climate Investments funding opportunities might be a good fit based on your Tribe’s needs and priorities.
California Air Resources Board
Community Connections is a tool to help organizations and agencies find partners interested in California Climate Investments. Partnerships ensure that project proposals reflect the perspectives needed to build resilient communities and implement meaningful investment.
California Strategic Growth Council
The Hub is designed to enable practitioners, policymakers, and communities at any point in their racial equity journey to increase access and understanding to relevant resources and best practices.
California Air Resources Board
California Climate Investments light duty, heavy duty, and clean mobility project snapshots and lessons learned.
California Air Resources Board
Example guidance from the Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) where applicants are encouraged to consider how projects can increase adaptability and build resilience to the specific impacts of climate change on the STEP Community over each project’s lifetime.
Industrial Economics, Inc.
An analysis and evaluation of ecosystem service benefits California Climate Investments projects provide by funding nature-based climate solutions. The resulting report explores how carbon mitigation projects can generate ecological and environmental improvements that enhance the health, wealth, and well-being of California residents.
Investments in Action: Projects Funding Tribal Governments
All Programs for Tribal Governments
Learn about all past and present programs for Tribal Governments, including programs that are not actively receiving California Climate Investments funding.
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