Programs for Tribal Governments

Tribal governments can receive funds to reduce climate pollution through clean transportation, agricultural equipment, clean air initiatives, land conservation projects, and more. Learn about open funding opportunities, resources to help you learn more about California Climate Investments and how to apply for funds, and read stories of funded projects led by tribal governments.

Open and Upcoming Funding Opportunities for Tribal Governments

Explore programs that are now accepting applications for grants, loans, incentives, and more.

Resources for Tribal Governments

NEW: The California Environmental Protection Agency has included federally recognized Tribes in its recent designation of disadvantaged communities.

For the purposes of this designation, a Tribe may establish that a particular area of land is under its control even if not represented as such on CalEPA’s disadvantaged communities map and therefore should be considered a disadvantaged community by requesting a consultation with the CalEPA Deputy Secretary for Environmental Justice, Tribal Affairs and Border Relations at


Investments in Action: Projects Funding Tribal Governments

All Programs for Tribal Governments

Learn about all past and present programs for Tribal Governments, including programs that are not actively receiving California Climate Investments funding.

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