Programs for Individuals
Individuals can save money on transportation, energy and heating expenses while helping California reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Learn about open funding opportunities, resources to help you learn more about California Climate Investments and how to apply for funds, and read stories of funded projects benefiting individuals.
Open and Upcoming Funding Opportunities for Individuals
Explore programs that are now accepting applications for grants, loans, incentives, and more.
Incentives for the installation of behind-the-meter solar PV paired with energy storage or standalone storage systems for low-income customers. These systems increase individual customer resiliency, reduce the electrical grid’s net peak demand, reduce electric ratepayer costs, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and localized air pollution.
Offers rebates for publicly available, high-powered (150 kW or greater) DC fast chargers deployed at eligible site types within California.
Financial incentives to retire older, more polluting vehicles and replace them with newer, cleaner hybrid and zero-emission vehicles or alternative mobility options.
Vouchers for the purchase of zero-emission, trucks and buses, including funding for charging or fueling infrastructure.
Incentive grants to help owners of older high-polluting vehicles and equipment replace them with newer models that have much lower emissions—or zero emissions.
Grants for priority low-income consumers to purchase or lease a new or used hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or electric vehicle.
Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions funds agricultural harvesting equipment, heavy-duty trucks, agricultural pump engines, tractors, and other equipment used in agricultural operations.
The California Air Resources Board provides funding to local air districts to offer vouchers or rebates to replace old, inefficient, and highly polluting residential wood stoves, inserts, and fireplaces used for primary space heating with cleaner, more efficient home heating devices.
Encourages private and public investment in, and improved management of, California forest lands and resources.
Installation of energy efficiency measures and upgrades like solar PV and health and safety improvements for farmworker dwellings at no cost to residents.
Research projects that investigate priority topics in support of California Forest Carbon Plan Implementation.
Covers losses in the rare instance that a prescribed or cultural burn escapes control, providing up to $2 million in coverage for prescribed fire projects led by a qualified burn boss or cultural practitioner.
The Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund is a part of the Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) Program. SAFER is a set of tools, funding sources, and regulatory authorities designed to meet the goals of safe, accessible, and affordable drinking water for all Californians.
Resources for Individuals
California Air Resources Board
Whether you are applying for funds, designing a new program, or are interested in understanding the foundational elements of California Climate Investments, the Resource Portal is designed to support participants, policymakers, and program administrators in incorporating lessons learned, promising practices, and other insights into all stages of California Climate Investments. Explore foundational elements of California Climate Investments and to help you in developing a funding application or designing a program, understand reporting requirements and how California Climate Investments provides transparency and accountability, and more.
California Air Resources Board
View upcoming California Climate Investments funding timelines, public participation opportunities such as workshops, public comment periods, listening sessions, and more.
California Air Resources Board
You can save money on transportation, energy and heating expenses while helping California reduce greenhouse gas emissions
California Air Resources Board
Puede ahorrar dinero en gastos de transporte, energía y calefacción mientras ayuda a California a reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.
California Air Resources Board
Community Connections is a tool to help organizations and agencies find partners interested in California Climate Investments. Partnerships ensure that project proposals reflect the perspectives needed to build resilient communities and implement meaningful investment.
California Strategic Growth Council
The Hub is designed to enable practitioners, policymakers, and communities at any point in their racial equity journey to increase access and understanding to relevant resources and best practices.
California Air Resources Board
California Climate Investments light duty, heavy duty, and clean mobility project snapshots and lessons learned.
Investments in Action: Projects Funding Individuals
All Programs for Individuals
Learn about all past and present programs for individuals, including programs that are not actively receiving California Climate Investments funding.
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