Resources for Applicants, Grantees, and Interested Parties
What is California Climate Investments?
California Climate Investments is a portfolio of over 80 State climate programs that fund projects and programs like community-led projects (e.g., community car sharing, composting), household-serving voucher programs (e.g., rebates for the purchase of cleaner cars, woodstove replacements), large-scale infrastructure projects (e.g., affordable housing, transit), and beyond.
California Air Resources Board
Learn how California Climate Investments puts billions of dollars of Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, improving public health and the environment, and providing meaningful benefits to priority populations.
California Air Resources Board
The Cap-and-Trade Program is a key element of California’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It complements other measures to ensure that California cost-effectively meets its goals for greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
California Air Resources Board
Learn about priority populations and how California Climate Investments programs are providing benefits.
Learn how to identify priority populations and access resources to help deliver benefits and advance equity and environmental justice.
California Air Resources Board
California Climate Investments are driven by a suite of legislation that establishes the statutory requirements for administering appropriations from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Explore bill summaries by year the legislation was enacted.
California Air Resources Board
The Legislature and Governor appropriate money from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) to State agencies through the Budget process. View dollars made available to State agencies for California Climate Investments programs.
California Air Resources Board
This map shows disadvantaged communities and low-income communities as defined for California Climate Investments. To see if a particular location is within a disadvantaged community or low-income community, either navigate to the desired location on the map, search for the location by address, or enter a 10 digit census tract number in the search bar. Layers can be adjusted using the layer tool. Census tracts that are both disadvantaged and low-income blend to a color not represented in the legend if overlapping.
California Air Resources Board
Definitions and more information about commonly used terms in the California Climate Investments Funding Guidelines and other materials.
California Air Resources Board
Guidance for grantees and contractors implementing California Climate Investments projects and programs around the state to ensure brand and messaging consistency.
What Funding is Available to Me?
Programs fund affordable housing, transit, electric vehicle rebates, planning and technical assistance, land conservation and restoration, clean energy, climate smart agriculture, composting and recycling, urban greening, and so much more.
Funding is available throughout the year. Each program may have a different solicitation timeline. To view current funding opportunities, explore programs by applicant type below.
Explore programs by applicant type
Explore programs by category
Learn about upcoming and open funding opportunities and ways to engage
California Air Resources Board
View upcoming California Climate Investments funding timelines, public participation opportunities such as workshops, public comment periods, listening sessions, and more.
California Air Resources Board
Current opportunities to participate in identifying areas for improvement of existing materials and ideas for tools and resources to help achieve the objectives and principles of California Climate Investments.
California Air Resources Board
Subscribe to the newsletter and read past newsletters in English and Spanish.
How Do I Find Resources to Support My Project Idea?
Project Profiles
Interested in learning about California Climate Investments on the ground? Want ideas for a project in your community? View the library of over 200 California Climate Investments project profiles that highlight how program funds can be used to make an impact locally and beyond.

Community Connections
The Community Connections Directory was created to help communities find local community-based organizations and agencies interested in partnering for California Climate Investments projects. Join or browse the Directory to identify new partners and collaborators.
Explore other pages in the Resource Portal to learn about the many ways California Climate Investments programs are providing benefits to communities across the State, get ideas for your project application, access tools and support, and more.
This page provides ideas and resources to consider when planning and conducting public outreach and community engagement.
Learn about program and project evaluations and view examples of completed evaluations.
Topics covered on this page include supporting workforce development and employment opportunities, California Climate Investments jobs reporting, and programs and projects funding workforce development.
Learn how to identify priority populations and access resources to help deliver benefits and advance equity and environmental justice.
Explore resources that can be used to provide technical assistance in a way that advances equity and builds community capacity to secure funding and implement projects that can help reverse past disinvestment.
View the Funding Guidelines for Agencies Administering California Climate Investments and additional resources referenced in the Funding Guidelines.
What Are the Impacts?
All California Climate Investments programs track impacts and report data to CARB, who processes the data and communicates benefits and achievements of programs.

California Air Resources Board
Explore the 2024 Annual Report and 10th anniversary highlights, investments in action across the state, and more.
California Air Resources Board
Explore trends in funding, GHG emissions reductions, and other project benefits across time and programs
California Air Resources Board
Learn what projects have accomplished in regions across California.
California Air Resources Board
Explore implemented projects across California.
California Air Resources Board
Explore the impact of California Climate Investments, including estimates of greenhouse gas emissions reductions, benefits from project investments, data on the benefits to priority populations, and program achievements.
How Do California Climate Investments Programs Estimate Benefits?
Each program uses CARB-developed resources to measure, estimate, and assess benefits of potential projects. These tools are used across the portfolio by administering agencies, applicants, grant recipients, and many others to understand project benefits and impacts.
California Air Resources Board
Administering agencies must use CARB tools to develop effective programs and demonstrate compliance with program requirements. Resources on this page include quantification methodologies and calculator tools for estimating GHG emissions reductions and co-benefits; benefit criteria tables for determining benefits to priority populations; and reporting templates for reporting outcomes.
California Air Resources Board
Methods for evaluating project co-benefits for projects, including jobs, air pollutant emissions, travel cost savings, vehicle miles traveled, energy and fuel cost savings, water savings, soil health and conservation, and heart and lung health.
California Air Resources Board
Definitions and more information about commonly used terms in the California Climate Investments Funding Guidelines and other materials.
California Air Resources Board
Guidance for grantees and contractors implementing California Climate Investments projects and programs around the state to ensure brand and messaging consistency.

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