Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Investments: Project Outcome Reporting Data Collection and Assessment

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Investments: Project Outcome Reporting Data Collection and Assessment

University of California, Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy

CARB developed a Project Outcome Reporting (POR) phase for California Climate Investments which is intended to collect primary data from grantees and program administering agencies during the period following project implementation to gain insights into project results. The University of California, Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy was tasked with reviewing the current set of POR requirements and recommending additional or alternative metrics and methods based on best practices in data collection and analysis. The primary objective of these efforts was to develop findings and recommendations to support improved data collection, analysis, transparency, and evaluation for individual programs and the California Climate Investments portfolio.

Transformative Climate Communities Program Criteria for Determining Community Engagement

Transformative Climate Communities Program Criteria for Determining Community Engagement

California Climate Investments

Excerpts from the Transformative Climate Communities Program Guidelines that establish minimum requirements for a Community Engagement Plan to ensure applicants involve residents from the project area and key stakeholders in all phases of TCC proposal development and implementation.

Good Jobs Principles

Good Jobs Principles

United States Department of Labor

The federal Department of Labor champions job quality through this list of good job principles. These eight principles create a framework for workers, businesses, labor unions, advocates, researchers, state and local governments, and federal agencies for a shared vision of job quality.

Project Labor Agreements as Tools for Equity

Project Labor Agreements as Tools for Equity

United States Department of Labor

Labor agreements can be used to uplift underserved workers. Explore example project labor agreements across the US.

Project Labor, Community Workforce, and Community Benefits Agreements Resource Guide

Project Labor, Community Workforce, and Community Benefits Agreements Resource Guide

United States Department of Labor

Labor agreements build job quality into a project before starting work. Learn about project labor, community workforce, and community benefits agreements and how and if they are enforced.

DIR, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement

DIR, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement

Department of Industrial Relations

DIR oversees compliance with labor laws. Workers may report a violation to DIR. View laws, regulations, and policies and other resources for workers and employers.

Employer Responsibilities Under CalOSHA

Employer Responsibilities Under CalOSHA

Department of Industrial Relations

California employers have many different responsibilities under the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973 and Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. Learn about these employer responsibilities related to health and safety.

General Prevailing Wage Determinations

General Prevailing Wage Determinations

Department of Industrial Relations

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) posts prevailing wage determinations twice a year that regulate covered workers. View determinations and find answers to frequently asked questions.

The California High Road: A Roadmap to Job Quality

The California High Road: A Roadmap to Job Quality

California Workforce Development Board

Learn about the elements of a high-quality job and how high road training partnerships approach is creating a workforce development system that ensures job quality and an ecosystem of economic prosperity.

The High Road Vision

The High Road Vision

California Workforce Development Board

The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) includes job quality as one of the three elements of its High Road vision. Ranging from transportation to healthcare, hospitality to construction, the High Road approach embodies the sector strategy championed by the Board: industry partnerships that deliver equity, climate resilience, and job quality. Along with these program investments, CWDB is producing a body of policies and principles to guide alignment across the workforce and education system.

Funding and Public Participation Calendar

Funding and Public Participation Calendar

California Air Resources Board

View upcoming California Climate Investments funding timelines, public participation opportunities such as workshops, public comment periods, listening sessions, and more.

Public Participation Opportunities

Public Participation Opportunities

California Air Resources Board

Current opportunities to participate in identifying areas for improvement of existing materials and ideas for tools and resources to help achieve the objectives and principles of California Climate Investments.

Fact Sheet: Ecosystem Service Benefits of Projects Funded by California Climate Investments

Fact Sheet: Ecosystem Service Benefits of Projects Funded by California Climate Investments

Industrial Economics, Inc.

Fact sheet highlighting how California Climate Investments projects contribute to a host of ecosystem services, or the benefits that healthy functioning ecosystems provide that improve the well-being of California residents, communities, and economy.