Avoiding Harms

Co-benefit Assessment Methodologies

Co-benefit Assessment Methodologies

California Air Resources Board

Methods for evaluating project co-benefits for projects, including jobs, air pollutant emissions, travel cost savings, vehicle miles traveled, energy and fuel cost savings, water savings, soil health and conservation, and heart and lung health.

Community Inclusion Guidance

Community Inclusion Guidance

California Air Resources Board

Example guidance from the Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP), where applicants must directly engage community residents, in all phases of the STEP proposal’s development and implementation to ensure projects provide direct, meaningful, and assured benefits to STEP Community residents. While quantity of outreach and engagement is important, STEP Applicants should also prioritize the quality of their outreach and engagement, including targeted outreach and engagement to hard-to-reach residents.

Displacement and Housing Guidance

Displacement and Housing Guidance

California Air Resources Board

Example guidance from Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP), where applicants are encouraged to consider how to identify and avoid substantial economic, environmental, and public health burdens in disadvantaged and low-income communities that may occur due to STEP-funded projects and that may lead to the physical or economic displacement of low-income households and small businesses.