Rancho San Pedro Launches Good2Go Bikes Program

Rancho San Pedro Launches Good2Go Bikes Program

California Air Resources Board

With nearly $1 million in funds from the California Climate Investments Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program, the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator, Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, and Pedal Movement are launching four e-bike hubs through Rancho San Pedro affordable housing’s shared ebike program, also known as the Good2Go Bikes program.

City of Chula Vista Launches New On-Demand Community Shuttle

City of Chula Vista Launches New On-Demand Community Shuttle

California Air Resources Board

Through California Climate Investments the City of Chula Vista received close to $1 million through the Clean Mobility Voucher Pilot Program to launch an on-demand community shuttle service in the northwest region of the city.

Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley Community Transportation Needs Assessment

Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley Community Transportation Needs Assessment

Using funds awarded by the Clean Mobility Options program, the Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley, a federally recognized California Native American Tribe, conducted a community-driven transportation needs assessment to determine the transportation needs and preferences of Big Pine Paiute’s residents. After the needs assessment is completed and approved by their Tribal Council, the Big Pine Paiute Tribe can use it to apply for additional funding from Clean Mobility Options or other transportation grant programs to implement clean mobility projects.

Clean Mobility Options Connect Rural Communities with Reliable Transportation

Clean Mobility Options Connect Rural Communities with Reliable Transportation

The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District was awarded $2.25 million to launch a pilot project, Ecosystem of Shared Mobility, which will provide San Joaquin Valley residents with new modes of travel, while also reducing air pollution and GHGs emissions.

BlueLA Car Share Pilot Expands Clean Mobility Options for Low-income Angelenos

BlueLA Car Share Pilot Expands Clean Mobility Options for Low-income Angelenos

The City of Los Angeles received a $1.7 million grant to start a zero-emission car share pilot project, BlueLA, to operate in four Los Angeles disadvantaged communities.

Our Community CarShare Program Supports Low-Income Sacramentans

Our Community CarShare Program Supports Low-Income Sacramentans

May 2017 marked the launch of the Our Community CarShare Sacramento Program. This new car sharing pilot program, available to low-income Sacramento residents, was great news to Susan Brown and came to her attention at the right time.