California Climate Investments February 2023 Newsletter
February Newsletter
In This Edition...
Updated California Climate Investments Program Factsheets; Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force Meeting; Final Round 5 Transformative Climate Communities Pre-Application Workshop; California Climate Investments Funding Guidelines Update Workshop
CAL FIRE Forest Health Grant Applications Due February 28; CARB Community Air Grants Applications Due March 3; Energy Commission Food Production Investment Program Applications Due March 8, and more…
Mountain Oaks Students Participate in the El Dorado Forestry Challenge; 255 Acres of Wildlife Corridor Protected for Rangeland; Pilot Program Aims to Increase Transportation Equity

Outreach Efforts from
Agency Partners

CAL FIRE Forest Health StoryMap
CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Program aims to advance the state’s goals for forest resilience and reduce catastrophic wildfire in ways that also provide benefits to human health and the environment. One way the program is working to communicate these co-benefits is through its new online StoryMap. Through maps, pictures, charts, and other interactive features, the StoryMap narrates some of the fire management practices being implemented across the state and their relationship to carbon emission impacts. 

Announcements and Updates

Info graphic with California Strategic Growth Council logo, name of program Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities overlapping an image of a white apartment building with brown balconies.Updated California Climate Investments Program Factsheets
Quickly learn about various California Climate Investments programs with our updated Audience Factsheets. These factsheets provide brief program descriptions along with basic program information such as eligibility requirements, fundable project types, and links to program funding availability and timelines. The factsheets are available in English and Spanish, easy to print and share, and are organized by target audience. Browse programs by audience type and access the factsheets using the links below:
Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force Meeting
The California Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force is a collaborative effort to align the wildfire-prevention activities of federal, state, local, public, private, and tribal organizations. It aims to bring the best available science to forest management and community protection efforts. California Climate Investments programs in forest health and wildfire prevention will play a part in implementing the Task Force action plan. The Task Force holds regular public meetings which are posted on its website. The next meeting will be held from 1-3:30 pm on Thursday, March 30, in Sacramento. Registration instructions can be found on the Task Force website.
Image with Strategic Growth Council logo, Transformative Climate Communities Round 5 overlapping a picture of children gardening with California Climate Investments logo
Final Transformative Climate Communities Pre-Application Workshop
The Strategic Growth Council (SGC) is expected to release the application for the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) program in late February. On February 15, SGC will provide information about the TCC program and advice for prospective applicants in its final pre-application workshop.

Register for the February 15 workshop by filling out this interest form.

If you missed a previous workshop, you may find recordings and supplemental materials on the TCC page of SGC’s website.
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Opportunities for Funding

CARB Community Air Grants Applications Due March 3
CARB is continuing to accept applications for the Community Air Grants Program. Local government entities, nonprofits, community-based organizations, and tribes are eligible to apply. Community Air Grants fund technical assistance, capacity building, and educational activities to help communities participate in the AB 617 Community Air Protection Program.

Applications are due March 3.
CAL FIRE Forest Health Grant Applications Due February 28

CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Program provides local agencies, tribal governments, and nonprofits funds for active restoration and reforestation projects to ensure the future of forests in California, while also mitigating climate change, strengthening rural economies, and protecting communities from wildfire risk.
Applications are due February 28.

For more information, visit the Forest Health Grants page. 

Infographic with California Hybrid and Zero Emissions Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) logo with text HVIP Remains Open with an image of a truck.Energy Commission
Food Production Investment
Program Applications Due March 8
California Energy Commission is accepting applications from California food manufacturers for the Food Production Investment Program (FPIP) to assist in adopting energy-efficient equipment upgrades. 
Applications are due March 8.
To learn more about the program, visit the FPIP program page.
CAL FIRE Wildfire Prevention Grants Program Applications Due March 15
CAL FIRE Wildfire Prevention Grants support communities in and near fire-threatened regions by providing funding for wildfire prevention projects and activities related to improving public health and safety. 

Applications are due March 15.

To learn more about the program, visit the Wildfire Prevention Grants Program page.
Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Applications Due April 4
The Strategic Growth Council is accepting applications for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program. AHSC funds affordable housing and transportation infrastructure, including transportation-related amenities and programs that encourage walking, biking, and using public transit.

Applications are due April 4.

To learn more about the program, visit the AHSC program website
California Energy Commission CalSHAPE Applications
Due March 31

The California Energy Commission is accepting applications from California school districts for the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE). 

CalSHAPE provides funding to school districts to upgrade heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and replace plumbing fixtures and appliances to meet water efficiency standards. 

Applications are due March 31.

To learn more about the program, visit the CalSHAPE program page.
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California Climate Investments
in Action

Image of a sign for the Mountain Oaks School with the words "Eagle Pride" and a drawing of an eagle.  Mountain Oaks Students Participate in the El Dorado Forestry Challenge
Four Mountain Oaks School students participated in the 2022 El Dorado Forestry Challenge.  The Challenge provides high school students with the opportunity to meet professionals in the natural resource management, ecology, and forestry fields, and experience the work within those fields. The Challenge was funded with a Wildfire Prevention Grant from CAL FIRE as part of California Climate Investments.
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Fallen tree debris in a forest255 Acres of Wildlife Corridor Protected for Rangeland
The California Rangeland Trust and Van Vleck Ranch have created a conservation easement to protect 255 acres that also serve as a refuge for local wildlife. This area will serve as a greenbelt and protect against urban sprawl around Rancho Murieta and across the eastern portion of Sacramento County. Ultimately, the goal is to conserve over 4,000 acres. This project was funded in part by the Department of Conservation’s Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program through California Climate Investments.

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Pilot Program Aims to Increase Transportation Equity
The Stockton Mobility Collective pilot program seeks to increase access to alternative and sustainable transportation options in San Joaquin County. The program provides a monthly public transit stipend to qualifying residents, which also permits trips on alternative transportation options such as e-bike sharing or zero-emission car sharing services. The program is funded by an Implementation Grant from the California Air Resources Board’s Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) through California Climate Investments. 
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