Priority Populations

Community Inclusion Guidance

Community Inclusion Guidance

California Air Resources Board

Example guidance from the Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP), where applicants must directly engage community residents, in all phases of the STEP proposal’s development and implementation to ensure projects provide direct, meaningful, and assured benefits to STEP Community residents. While quantity of outreach and engagement is important, STEP Applicants should also prioritize the quality of their outreach and engagement, including targeted outreach and engagement to hard-to-reach residents.

Displacement and Housing Guidance

Displacement and Housing Guidance

California Air Resources Board

Example guidance from Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP), where applicants are encouraged to consider how to identify and avoid substantial economic, environmental, and public health burdens in disadvantaged and low-income communities that may occur due to STEP-funded projects and that may lead to the physical or economic displacement of low-income households and small businesses.

Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Guidance

Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Guidance

California Air Resources Board

Example guidance from the Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) where applicants are encouraged to consider how projects can increase adaptability and build resilience to the specific impacts of climate change on the STEP Community over each project’s lifetime.

Revised State Income Limits for 2021

Revised State Income Limits for 2021

California Department of Housing and Community Development

Identify income limits for low-income communities and households. Low-income communities and households are defined as the census tracts and households, respectively, that are either at or below 80 percent of the statewide median income, or at or below the threshold designated as low-income by HCD.

Planning and Investing for a Resilient California: A Guidebook for State Agencies

Planning and Investing for a Resilient California: A Guidebook for State Agencies

Governor's Office of Planning and Research

This document provides this guidance in a step-by-step process with specific guidance on prioritizing actions that promote equity and foster community resilience. While this guidance is aimed at state agencies in particular, it can be applied to the local and regional scales.