After facing increasingly unaffordable energy bills year-after-year, Milton, a Sacramento County resident, learned about the State’s low-income solar program offered through the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD). He became interested in the program and was one of many residents that benefited from this assistance.
To stoke interest and get the word out, SMUD sent letters to thousands of customers enrolled in its Energy Assistance Program rate promoting the Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) administered by Grid Alternatives. After some consideration, Milton decided to apply and was soon approved for a rooftop solar installation under the Cap-and-Trade-funded LIWP solar program.
"I am very happy about the program,” he said. “Being on a fixed income, all savings are good."
LIWP is an energy efficiency program administered by the State’s Department of Community Services and Development that receives funding from the California Climate Investments to install a variety of energy efficiency measures, solar photovoltaics and solar water heater systems on low-income households located in disadvantaged communities.
Milton’s solar system was installed in August of 2016 and will save him approximately $1,250 per year in energy costs. In addition to providing the rooftop solar system at his home, the installation provided a workforce development opportunity to five trainees.
"I am just grateful that I get to take advantage of this” he expressed. “It’s going to help in a lot of different ways…and it will take a lot off my mind."