Funding Available to Businesses
Businesses can receive funds to reduce climate pollution through clean transportation, waste prevention, clean air initiatives, and more. To fnd a program’s current funding availability and timeline, please follow the listed program links.
Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program
This program provides funding that supports infll affordable housing development as well as sustainable transportation infrastructure. Affordable housing developers can apply in partnership with local jurisdictions, including a Tribal Entity, to build housing and improve the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as fund transit facilities and operations. AHSC has a funding goal to award at least one project from an eligible Tribal Entity. Technical assistance is available.
California High-Speed Rail Authority
There are numerous opportunities for the private sector to get involved in the planning, design, building and eventual operation of California’s high-speed rail project.
The program maintains participation goals for small businesses, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE).
Alternative Manure Management Program
This program provides grants to implement non digester practices that reduce dairy and livestock manure methane emissions, such as solid separation or conversion from fush to scrape manure collection in conjunction with a manure treatment or drying practice, compost bedded pack barns, and enhanced pasture-based management practices. Technical assistance is available.
This program provides voucher-based funding in support of small-scale clean mobility projects, such as electric carsharing, bike sharing, vanpooling, and other clean mobility options, as well as community transportation needs assessment projects in disadvantaged, income-eligible, and Tribal communities. Technical assistance is available.
Community Air Protection Incentives (CAP) Program
This program provides incentives to replace older, higher-polluting vehicles and equipment with newer models that have lower emissions or zero-emission technology. The program also funds stationary and infrastructure projects.
Clean Off-Road Equipment Voucher Incentive (CORE)
This program provides vouchers for zero-emission off-road equipment such as forklifts, transport refrigeration units, terminal trucks, commercial harbor craft, switcher locomotives, and other zero-emission off-road equipment used in pro landscaping, agriculture, and construction.
Community Assistance for Climate Equity (CACE)
This program supports communities in applying to California Climate Investments and other climate related funding programs. The CACE program aims to make the process fairer for applicants that may lack the capacity to successfully access these funds, particularly those that live in the state’s most disadvantaged communities.
Clean Mobility in Schools Project
This program offers grants of up to $10 million for public school districts to support transformative transportation options at schools in disadvantaged communities.
Community Composting for Green Spaces Grant (CCG)
This program provides grants to create, expand, and improve small-scale composting programs located in disadvantaged and low-income communities.
Clean Truck and Bus Vouchers Program (HVIP)
This program provides vouchers for the purchase or lease of clean trucks and buses with set-aside funding for public transit agencies, public school buses, drayage trucks, and small feets.
Dairy Digester Research and Development Program (DDRDP)
This program awards grants for the implementation of dairy digesters on California dairies that result in long-term methane emission reductions from dairy manure while mitigating or minimizing adverse environmental impacts.
Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP)
This program provides rebates for purchase or lease of new, eligible, light-duty vehicles including electric, fuel cell, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
Food Waste Prevention and Rescue Grant Healthy Soils Program (HSP) Program (FW)
The purpose of this program is to lower overall greenhouse gas emissions by establishing new or expanding existing food waste prevention projects (source reduction or edible food recovery for people) in California to reduce the amount of food being disposed of in landflls. Eligibility limited to Federally Recognized Tribes in California.
This program has two components. The Healthy Soils Incentives Program provides fnancial incentives for on-farm implementation of conservation management practices that improve soil health, sequester carbon, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Healthy Soils Demonstration Projects showcase on-farm implementation of Healthy Soils practices to support farmer/rancher outreach and education. Technical assistance is available.
This program provides grants for active restoration and reforestation activities aimed at providing more resilient forests by funding activities such as forest fuels reduction, prescribed fre, pest management, reforestation, biomass utilization, conservation easements and/or land acquisition through the Forest Legacy Program, and research through the Forest Research Program.
Multi-Family Energy Effciency & Renewables
This program provides technical assistance and incentives for the installation of energy-effciency measures and solar photovoltaics in low-income multi-family affordable housing serving priority populations. These projects reduce both residential energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions.
Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions (FARMER)
This program provides incentives to replace older, higher-polluting agricultural vehicles and equipment with cleaner options. To learn more about the program, please see the program website at or contact your local air district. The California Air Resources Board provides funding to local air districts to administer the FARMER program for their region. Local air district contact information is available here
Grants for projects that expand organic recycling and food recovery efforts. Technical assistance is available here
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Loan Program
This program provides loans to fund construction, renovation, or expansion of facilities for preprocessing, digesting, or composting organics, or the preprocessing or manufacturing of value-added fnished products using recycled fber, plastic, or glass.
Recycled Fiber, Plastic, and Glass Grant Program
This program provides grants for manufacturing projects that expand paper, plastic, or glass recycling. sds
These programs are part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities. See all programs at:
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